5 Reasons to Use PowerPoint

ppt-for-blogPowerPoint is a presentation software program that is part of the Microsoft Office suite. PowerPoint uses a graphical approach to presentations in the form of slide shows and allows the individual/s to have a visual of the topic or subject of the presenter or speaker. The presenter or speaker has a reference point to the topic or subject.

Audience Driven

People power. PowerPoint represents knowledge in the form of presentation/s and is broadly used in business today. Its accessible, its everywhere, easy to use, and flexible.

PowerPoint slides and presentations can be built up over time in your business. They’re available to everyone, can be shared, modified and evolved.

There are many digital tools at hand from videos, maps, music, animation. PowerPoint can display all digital content across media to your audience.


A template is simply a starting point. Create your PowerPoint presentation once then use it over, and over again.

To create a template, you can start with either one you already created, one you downloaded, or a blank brand new one that you decide to customize in any number of ways.

PowerPoint designs cover all styles from playful and creative to formal and business presentations, and all templates are easy-to-edit.


PowerPoint handouts are under-used features.

Handouts are sometimes printed so they can be sent for review before the presentation takes place, final tweaking.  During the presentation Handouts can be distributed to the audience for note taking or to take away as a reference point.

Handouts are thumbnails of slides printed on a sheet of paper. There are different layouts that can be customized to suit requirements.

PowerPoint 2016 offers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9 slide thumbnails per Handout page.

Caution before choosing to print Handouts especially if you can email it to someone. You can Save and Email the Handouts to a Portable Document Format (PDF) file.

Slide Views

Switch to different views in PowerPoint so that you can edit, sort, print, and deliver your presentation.

  • Normal view is the main editing view, where you write and design your presentations.
  • Slide Sorter view gives you a view of your slides in thumbnail form and makes it easy to sort and organize your slide sequence as you create your presentation.
  • Notes Page view the Notes pane is located below the Slide pane. You can type notes that apply to the current slide. You can refer to them later, you can print your notes and refer to them when you give your presentation. You can also print notes to give to your audience or include the notes in a presentation that you send to the audience or post on a Web page.
  • Master viewsthe master views include, Slide, Handout, and Notes view. They are the main slides that store information about the presentation, including background, theme colors, theme fonts, theme effects, placeholder sizes, and positions. The key benefit to working in a master view is that on the slide master, notes master, or handout master, you can make universal style changes to every slide, notes page, or handout associated with your presentation.
  • Slide Show view (which includes Presenter view)
  • Slide Show view Use Slide Show view to deliver your presentation to your audience. In this view, your slides occupy the full computer screen.
  • Presenter view Presenter View helps you manage your slides while you present by tracking how much time has elapsed, which slide is next, and displaying notes that only you can see (while also allowing you to take meeting notes as you present).

Black/White Slide

Get used to using black/white screen during a presentation.

PowerPoint can display a blank black slide at the end of the presentation. This feature lets you display a black slide at any time, during the course of your show.

This can be useful when you want to:

  • Pause your presentation to gain the full attention of your audience.
  • Talk about something that is not relevant to the slide that is being viewed.
  • Show a blank screen at the beginning or ending of your presentation.

You can use keyboard keystrokes. To display a black screen, press the B key or to display a white screen, press the W key. To get back to your Presentation press the (same) key again.

These commands are also accessible while viewing your presentation, they are visible at the bottom of your presentation screen.

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